Grep all files in a directory
Grep all files in a directory

In the following example, we use grep –exclude-dir to exclude one or more directories. ➜ grep -exclude-dir "directory1" -exclude-dir "directory2" -R "keyword". ➜ grep -exclude-dir "directory" -R "keyword". Grep –exclude-dir syntax # grep exclude a directory Recursively search subdirectories listed. If -R is specified, it excludes directories matching the given filename pattern from the search. Grep –exclude-dir excludes directories matching the given file name pattern from the search. Grep exclude directories, we can use the grep –exclude-dir option, which needs to be used with the grep -R option. ➜ ~ grep -i 'use' test.log | grep -v "option" | grep -v "find" Grep exclude directory In the following example, we will use a pipeline with grep to exclude multiple keywords. ➜ ~ grep -i 'use' test.log | grep -v "option"

grep all files in a directory

In the following example, we will use grep to search for keywords and exclude specific keyword. ➜ grep -v "keyword1" file | grep -v "keyword2" |. Grep -v syntax # grep excludes a single keyword Selected lines are those not matching any of the specified patterns.

grep all files in a directory

We can use the grep -v option, which can which can invert the match.

Grep all files in a directory